Making Education MatterMaking Education Matter

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Making Education Matter

After struggling with my education, I knew that I had to give my kids more. I began working with them to talk about a variety of different problems, and they mentioned that they could use some help in school. We chatted about everything they had access to, and I mentioned that they might be able to do better if they cut out some of the distractions that they had been dealing with. We began to change things slowly in our home, and within a few days, things had really started to improve. On this website, I wanted to share tips that helped me and my kids, because I know they can help you with yours.

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A Montessori School Offers Your Child A Fun Way To Learn That Could Benefit Them For Life

If you're considering different preschools and schools for your new baby, you may want to look into a Montessori school. Montessori schools have a unique educational philosophy that's been tested and proven effective for decades at helping children grow and learn at their own pace so that they graduate with self-confidence, a love for learning, and the ability to solve problems by themselves. That could translate into success in college and beyond. Here are some things to know about a Montessori school.

The School Levels Vary By Location 

The school in your local area may only have preschool or preschool and elementary grades. While there are Montessori middle schools and high schools, they aren't quite as common as schools for younger kids. Even if your child only attends a Montessori school until time to start elementary or middle school elsewhere, they'll build a strong foundation for learning in public or private school. If you're fortunate enough to have a Montessori high school near you, then your child can benefit from this enriching form of education until they are ready for college.

Montessori Schools Utilize Community Learning

These schools have a unique way of advancing your child through the grades. Rather than the typical 12 grades found in a public school system, Montessori classes usually operate in multiple-year blocks rather than one-year blocks. This allows younger and slightly older kids to learn together and stay in the same group for an extended time to learn important social and personal skills. Older kids learn by helping younger kids master new skills and concepts. Each child has their own path for learning based on their interests and abilities, and Montessori classes may even be larger than public school classes since a community approach to learning is part of the educational philosophy.

Montessori Materials Are Used In The Classroom

Beyond having a defined educational approach, the schools use approved materials in the classroom that could include everything from the type of furniture the kids use to educational carpeting with countries or states printed on them. Since the schools have a hands-on approach toward learning, especially at the preschool and elementary level, there are many supplies for the kids to use to gain motor skills and learn things like counting and reading. Your child can choose activities they find fun and interesting and learn through doing them even though they may not realize they're learning and developing skills.

Your child might work in the school garden, weave on a loom, practice housecleaning, prepare food, or choose something else they find interesting and that's appropriate for their age level. Learning is fun, and your child is taught important subjects like math and science in a way that's meaningful and encourages a love of learning.