Making Education MatterMaking Education Matter

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Making Education Matter

After struggling with my education, I knew that I had to give my kids more. I began working with them to talk about a variety of different problems, and they mentioned that they could use some help in school. We chatted about everything they had access to, and I mentioned that they might be able to do better if they cut out some of the distractions that they had been dealing with. We began to change things slowly in our home, and within a few days, things had really started to improve. On this website, I wanted to share tips that helped me and my kids, because I know they can help you with yours.

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5 Different Types of Preschool Styles

Choosing a preschool is a big decision. It might be influenced by your family culture, child's needs and cost. The decision is made more challenging because there are a number of different preschool philosophies available. Below is a description of five types of preschool philosophies that will help you choose the best facility for your family.


The Montessori approach to education centers on the child. Children are free to explore their own interests with the teacher acting as a guide. Children learn at their own pace by playing with different toys in the classroom that allow them to explore science, art, language or role-playing. If the Montessori preschool is part of a larger school that teaches older children, your child likely will be in a classroom with kids of different ages. 

Parent Co-op

A parent co-op could espouse any type of educational philosophy, but the major differentiator between a parent co-op and a traditional type of preschool is parent involvement. In a co-op, parents will be asked to play a major role in the preschool community. They might be required to volunteer in the classroom, take care of the facility, provide snacks or run fundraising events. This is a wonderful option for parents with a flexible schedule because it allows them to remain a major part of a child's daily routine. 


The Waldorf approach to education provides children with structure while also allowing for creative play. Preschoolers at a Waldorf school might experience structured moments in their day when they receive instruction in art, music or other creative pursuits. Waldorf schools place a lot of emphasis on outdoor play, so being outside is a major part of Waldorf students' day. Waldorf classrooms often are mixed-age.  

Kindergarten Prep

A kindergarten prep program prepares young children for the academic rigors of kindergarten. The teachers might begin teaching children about numbers and letters so that they'll be prepared to learn about math and reading when they enter kindergarten. It might require kids to sit at desks or tables during the day so that they can begin getting used to periods of sitting still, which will be required of them once they enter kindergarten. 


Many families that espouse a particular religious belief choose to enroll their children in a religious-based preschool. A religious preschool might espouse any type of teaching philosophy but will include religious training in its curriculum. This is an excellent option for parents who plan to enroll their children in a religious-based elementary school.